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Welcome to Geologic Mapping, Inc., a small consulting firm that provides practical geologic and hydrogeologic solutions to private business and to government. We specialize in field work and in making geologic maps, which are the basis for understanding most geologic problems. We bring to our analysis a broad regional knowledge of the geology and ground-water and mineral resources of the Western U.S.A., especially Utah, Nevada, and Colorado.


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Geologic mapping and geological assessments in the Western U.S., bedrock and surficial, any scale

Expertise in ground-water resources for water districts, communities, governments, EISs and EAs

Analysis of geology for foundations and engineering applications, including seismic, landslide, rockfall and other geologic hazards

Environmental studies and Quaternary geology, including geomorphology and geology of archaeological sites, dating of desert varnish, and assessments for NEPA and other compliance

Other geologic studies ranging from research to its practical applications


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